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5 Hot Tips to Get More Traffic to Your Blog

Getting traffic isn’t rocket science – it’s actually pretty easy when you know a few of the best tricks pro-bloggers are using every day to get more traffic to their blogs.

5 Hot Tips to Get More Traffic to Your Blog

Create an not-so-secret inner circle of your best buddies.

Put together a list of your very best and most influential readers. These are the ones who regularly interact with you or post replies to your posts, share your posts with their followers, send you articles, buy your products and so forth.

Put these folks on your special inner circle list, and email them to let them know of their newly attained status. Let them know the benefits – they’ll get to see your posts before the general public and they’ll be apprised of any new offerings, updates and ideas before anyone else.

Solicit their feedback on your posts. This creates a sense of ownership for them and increases the odds they will go out of their way to share your content with their followers. Give them special benefits to thank them for their help, and offer to help them in return.

Make it brain dead easy to share your content.

If content is too difficult to share, your readers and inner circle are less likely to share it. So add the appropriate social sharing buttons for sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Write in-depth content that makes your readers look sexy-smart.

Here’s a little secret: People like to look super smart to their readers and friends. Okay, so maybe it’s not a secret. But the fact is, in-depth articles tend to get shared more because the people sharing them want their friends to think they read in-depth articles. Plus, when someone new lands on your in-depth article, they are more likely to subscribe to get even more info than if they land on a simple fluff piece.

Another secret: Posts with images, lists and videos will attract over 5 times more links than posts containing only plain text. So don’t stop at just the words – add things like images and graphs to make it share-worthy.

Cheat. Just a little.

This isn’t really cheating, but it sure feels like it. Look at your old content and find the pieces that are still relevant, whether they were written 3 months ago or a year ago. Now share them again via social media. This way you get new traffic without having to write new content – how awesome is that?

Write a mini-sales letter to promote each blog post.

Traditionally, when a blogger writes a new post she sends out the title and first paragraph to her list with an invite to click the link and read the rest. But the real meat of a blog post isn’t in that intro paragraph, which is why this method isn’t worth beans.

Instead, write a mini sales letter that gets the email reader curious and excited to know more. This doesn’t have to be long; 50 -100 of the right words is perfect. Build curiosity and show them what the big benefits / takeaways of reading your article will be, and your click-through rates could double if not triple.

That’s it – 5 simple tips to increase your blog traffic. Pick out your favorite and try it right now, then make a note to use the other 4 within the next 7 days and you’ll begin to see a real boost in your traffic within the month.


10.5 Ways to Make Your Blogging EASIER

One of the toughest things about blogging is the self-imposed pressure to always have a terrific, earth-shattering, life changing blog post that makes people catch fire reading it.

10.5 Ways to Make Your Blogging EASIER

You know what I mean. You’ve got that little voice whispering in your ear that if your posts don’t measure up to some impossibly high standard you’ve set, then all is lost and the world will know that you’re a fraud.

The good news is, it simply isn’t true. You don’t need every post to be a 2,000 word masterpiece or the final definitive word on your topic. Instead, all you need is content that gives your readers what they want. That’s it. Your readers want to know the latest news or the best methods? Then that’s what you give them. Forget trying to be a great writer and instead focus on being your readers’ ‘friend in the business’ and you’ll be an AMAZING blogger.

Here are 10.5 more tips to take some of the blogging pressure off of you and put the fun back into blogging:

Make yourself a posting schedule and then stick to it as regularly as you brush your teeth. Surprisingly, having a blogging schedule actually makes it easier for you to blog. It provides soft deadlines that keep you motivated to sit down and write. You won’t be able to put off your blogging if your readers expect a new post every Tuesday and Friday, and you know it.

Keep a running list of blogging ideas. Use a program like Evernote to keep track of your ideas and the resources you can draw from when writing your posts.

Forget being totally original. Seriously. Every idea is built upon or inspired by someone else’s idea. So give credit where credit is due, provide your own unique twist or take on the subject and relax – no one expects you to reinvent anything.

Re-purpose your content and other people’s content, too. Curate, list, pull bits and pieces from here and there – it’s all good. Just give credit to everyone you sourced from. And go back to your own content and see if you can’t update it, re-purpose it, mix it up or whatever. Odds are if you’ve been blogging for more than a year then you’ve got a small goldmine of content you can mine to create new content.

Be more of a reporter and less of an expert. Being the go-to expert in your niche is difficult, especially when you’re new to blogging. The pressure can become so unbearable that you cease to write, afraid you’ll pen something that will make you look foolish in your readers’ eyes.

But if you place your focus on reporting instead of being the absolute authority, magic will happen. You’ll feel freer to express your own opinions, you’ll find it’s far easier to write posts, and because you are referencing other authorities and experts in your niche, you become your own authority to your readers.

Mix up your content. Are you only writing blog posts? Then add videos. Are you only podcasting? Then write blog posts. If you limit yourself to one media, you’re also limiting the number of people who will engage in and benefit from your content.

Short is great. So is long. There was a time when it was suggested (actually, I saw this again quite recently) that no post should be under 2,000 words, and all posts should take days to write and be the absolute authority on whatever you’re writing about.

Hogwash. I briefly mentioned this in the beginning – write as much as you need to. If you can cover your topic in 200 words, DO IT. If it takes 2,000 words, then just make sure you’re holding your readers’ attention for the ENTIRE 2,000.

This reminds me of the “short sales letter vs long sales letter” debate. It’s a stupid, ridiculous debate, and here’s why: A blog post or a sales letter should be exactly as long as it needs to be and no longer. Period.

Stop leaving terrific blog comments on other people’s blogs. Seriously. You just read a post on a high traffic blog and you’ve got your own opinion or insight you want to share that you’re sure will help that blog’s readers.

Don’t do it. Instead, create your own post on your own blog and link back to the original blog. Then let the original blog know that you mentioned and linked to them in your post. This way your blog has more great content and who knows? You might get a backlink from the blog you referenced.

Use images. Every. Time. Maybe more than once, too. It’s irrefutable that images work at grabbing attention, so make sure that every post you make has at least one image. And be sure to place a caption under the image, because people are far more likely to read the image caption than anything else on the page (other than the headline, of course.)

Publish your articles on other sites. Sites like LinkedIn, The Huffington Post and many, many others allow content to be republished on their sites as long as it fits their guidelines. This is a terrific way to pick up new subscribers by posting a link back to your own profile or blog.

And what about Google’s duplicate content penalty? The duplicate content penalty doesn’t apply to syndication or curation. If it did, you’d never see a major news site appear in the top of the search results because they all subscribe to services that helps them get duplicate content, such as the Associated Press. And bloggers who frequently syndicate their content to other quality sites report that they receive no penalties what-so-ever.

10.5. Ask for the subscribe. Ask. And ask. But don’t be obnoxious. You wrote a post on getting traffic, and you’ve got a free report on even more ways to get traffic? Ask them to subscribe right there at the end of your post. “To get 27 more ways to get targeted, free traffic with the push of a button, simply tell me where to send the report and it’s yours.”

If you’ve been having trouble blogging on a regular basis, hopefully reading this has made you realize that blogging doesn’t need to be stressful. The rules are not as rigid and some would have you believe, and the most important thing of all is to simply give your readers what they want and lots of it, in whatever form it might take.


Why Should I Bother Publishing Content?

If you’re currently working at something other than publishing – affiliate or CPA marketing, perhaps – then you might wonder why you would want to bother publishing your own content. Publishing isn’t for everyone, but there are several very good reasons why you might want to consider it.

Why Should I Bother Publishing Content?

You can be the good guy. People are looking for answers, for help and for solutions to their problems. You and your content can make a real difference in their lives. And by making that difference, you become….

The expert. The go-to person. The Big Kahuna that people respect. You’re the trusted authority and now opportunities are coming to you in the form of free advertising on social media, affiliates, joint venture proposals and so forth. Which brings us to…

A greater income and additional income sources. You’re now monetizing your expertise by selling products and courses.

So what kinds of content can you create and publish?

Blog Posts
Short Reports
Kindle Books
Actual Books
Resources Lists
Print Newsletters
Frequently Asked Questions
Slide Shows
Video Courses
Audio Courses
Home Study Courses
Step-by-step Tutorials
Cheat Sheets
Buyers Guides
Membership Sites
Member Forums
Top Lists
Live Events

More ideas

You can publish content everywhere – your site, your blog, your member’s area, your newsletter, etc.

You can give away content – such as an ebook or ecourse – to build your email list.

You can record audio and/or video versions of your book and sell it.

You can hold live webinars or in person workshops, then sell the recordings.

You can build traffic by sharing great content such as infographics and top lists on social media.

You can create video courses to sell and promote your video courses by giving away snippets of the course, or a ‘lighter’ version.

You can interview experts and use the interviews and the transcripts as products or giveaways or as content on a paid membership site.

You can combine your articles and blog posts into eBooks and print books!

If you’re not yet creating and publishing content, you might be missing out on a world of opportunities. And if you are, you might want to consider adding new types of content to further expand your reach, your business and your bottom line.


How to Increase Your Blog Writing Speed

Blogging is a proven way to stay in contact with customers, get new buyers, get traffic and backlinks and especially boost your own credibility rating. But all of that blogging takes time. Here are 7 tips to make your content creation, and blogging go a lot faster.

How to Increase Your Blog Writing Speed

1. Keep a list of your brilliant ideas. Okay, so they won’t all be brilliant but some will be. And if you don’t write them down you’ll lose them. Each time you get a new idea for a blog post, write it down. This simple act frees your mind to give you even more ideas and to improve the ideas you’ve already had.

2. When you’ve got a good idea, start making a list of what you’d like to add to it. For example, your idea might be “10 Ways to Inject $10,000 into Your Business.” As you think of each method, write it down.

3. Do your research. While you might know some of the points you want to make, you can deepen and enrich your post by also gathering information from outside sources.

4. Eliminate the least. In our example of “10 Ways to Inject $10,000,” you might actually come up with 15 ideas or more. Discard the less appealing points so you can focus on only the strongest ones. At this time you might also find that your post will be better served by focusing on just 7 methods rather than 10. This is editing before you write and can save you a tremendous amount of time. Imagine if you wrote your post with your initial 15 ideas and later decided to use just 7 – you would have written twice as much as needed.

5. Create an outline. This step alone can cut your writing time in half.

6. Prepare your work area. Before you begin writing, eliminate all distractions. Close email and social networks and turn off your phone. Set a timer and try to beat it. And then write. Don’t edit. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, etc. Just write.

7. Edit tomorrow. As good as your editing today might be, tomorrow it will be even better as you read your post with fresh eyes.

In addition to saving time, you’ll also notice that the faster you write blog posts, the less you mind writing them. Pretty soon your post-a-week schedule might even turn into 3 or 4 new posts each week. And the more you blog, the more attention you can command!


How to Get More of Your Emails Opened

These days everyone’s inbox is flooded with emails and it’s harder and harder to get noticed, much less get opened. I’ve been doing my own testing of what works and what doesn’t, and thought you might like to see the results.

How to Get More of Your Emails Opened

Optimize your “sender” or “from” field. Using a business name does not seem to work as well as using a personal name, probably because people want to read messages from people, not from businesses. However, combining the business name with the personal name seems to work well, especially if the business name is either well recognized or implies a benefit. For example, ‘Joe Smith, ProBlogger’ would likely work well, as would ‘Jane Smith, Traffic Tips.’

Further optimize your “sender” field. I’ve experimented with using symbols before and after my name in the ‘from’ field to make my emails stand out, and it does seem to make a small difference. For example, ~Joe Smith~ tends to be opened more often than Joe Smith.

Use a great subject line. Entire products have been written on this topic alone, but here are some tips:

Use a number: “3 Ways to Get Bigger Muscles in 7 Days”

Use curiosity: “The Fried Banana method to Younger Skin”

Write as if you’re addressing a friend: “Hey” “What do you think?”, “Okay?”, “I told you he’s crackers”, “Last Sunday”, “See You Tues” “Got it?”, etc.

State a big benefit: “Look 10 Years Younger and Feel 20 Years Smarter”

Personalize the subject line. Everything else being the same, personalizing the subject line can increase your click through rate. Just don’t over do it.

Avoid spam words. You know the ones: Cash, payment, money, credit, quote, etc. These words will land you in the spam folder, and you’re not likely to get many opens there.

Optimize the preview text. Remember, the sender can often see the first line or two of text, so make it interesting, relevant, and preferably curiosity provoking.

Make it a habit to be entertaining. The more entertaining and interesting your emails are, the more likely your recipients will continue to open them.

Send twice. 8-12 hours after you send an email, send the email again to those who didn’t open your first email.

Last tip: Email often. Once a day is great. If you only send an email once in a while, recipients will forget who you are. By being in the inbox daily, I’ve found they are more likely to recognize you and open your emails.


Passive Income Ideas

Top Passive Income Ideas to Explore

Real estate investments are a popular choice. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and rental properties allow you to earn rental income or dividends regularly. Investing in REITs is like owning a slice of large commercial properties without the hassle of handling tenants or property maintenance.

Dividend stocks and index funds come next. These are stocks that pay you a portion of the company’s earnings regularly. With index funds, your investments are spread across various companies, reducing risk while providing steady returns. Finding companies with a strong track record of paying dividends can be a reliable source of passive income.

Peer-to-peer lending platforms provide an innovative way to earn. By lending your money to individuals or small businesses through these platforms, you can earn interest on your loans. Since you’re acting like a micro-bank, this can be a rewarding way to put your money to work.

Creating and selling digital products is another exciting avenue. Think eBooks, online courses, or digital art. Once you’ve put in the initial work to build these products, they can continue to sell over time without much additional effort. This option is perfect for creative individuals looking to monetize their skills and knowledge.

Building a dropshipping business is gaining traction. It involves selling products through an online store without holding any inventory yourself. Once you’ve set up your store and connected it with suppliers, they handle inventory and shipping, while you earn a profit on each sale. It’s a smart way to run an online business with minimal upfront costs.

Steps to Start Generating Passive Income

Evaluate your financial situation and set clear goals. Know where you stand financially and what you aim to achieve with passive income. Setting specific, measurable goals helps keep you on track and motivated.

Research and educate yourself about the various passive income streams. From rental properties to digital products, understanding your options is critical. Attending seminars, reading books, and following industry experts can provide valuable insights.

Create a detailed plan outlining your approach. Decide which passive income ideas align with your skills and interests. Establish a timeline and budget for each step towards building your income streams.

Invest wisely by diversifying your investments. Spread your investments across different income streams to reduce risk. Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket, and always consider the potential returns and risks involved.

Monitor and manage your passive income streams regularly. Even though passive income requires less direct involvement, keeping an eye on your investments ensures they perform as expected. Adjust your strategy based on performance and market conditions to keep everything on track.

Navigating the Challenges of Passive Income Streams

Understand that creating a passive income stream takes time and effort upfront. There’s no such thing as easy money, so be prepared to put in the necessary work at the beginning.

Risk management is vital. Every investment carries a degree of risk. Research thoroughly and invest only what you can afford to lose. Diversifying your investments helps to mitigate the risks involved.

Overcoming obstacles and setbacks is part of the journey. You might encounter unexpected challenges, but staying resilient and adaptable is key. Learn from any mistakes and use those lessons to improve your strategies.

Consider legal and tax implications before diving into any passive income streams. Understanding the legalities and tax responsibilities in your region can save you significant trouble down the line. It’s often a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional.

Stay updated with market trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. The market is constantly evolving, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Keep learning and be ready to tweak your approach to ensure your passive income streams remain profitable.


Passive Income Ideas

Top Passive Income Ideas to Explore

Real estate investments are a popular choice. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and rental properties allow you to earn rental income or dividends regularly. Investing in REITs is like owning a slice of large commercial properties without the hassle of handling tenants or property maintenance.

Dividend stocks and index funds come next. These are stocks that pay you a portion of the company’s earnings regularly. With index funds, your investments are spread across various companies, reducing risk while providing steady returns. Finding companies with a strong track record of paying dividends can be a reliable source of passive income.

Peer-to-peer lending platforms provide an innovative way to earn. By lending your money to individuals or small businesses through these platforms, you can earn interest on your loans. Since you’re acting like a micro-bank, this can be a rewarding way to put your money to work.

Creating and selling digital products is another exciting avenue. Think eBooks, online courses, or digital art. Once you’ve put in the initial work to build these products, they can continue to sell over time without much additional effort. This option is perfect for creative individuals looking to monetize their skills and knowledge.

Building a dropshipping business is gaining traction. It involves selling products through an online store without holding any inventory yourself. Once you’ve set up your store and connected it with suppliers, they handle inventory and shipping, while you earn a profit on each sale. It’s a smart way to run an online business with minimal upfront costs.

Steps to Start Generating Passive Income

Evaluate your financial situation and set clear goals. Know where you stand financially and what you aim to achieve with passive income. Setting specific, measurable goals helps keep you on track and motivated.

Research and educate yourself about the various passive income streams. From rental properties to digital products, understanding your options is critical. Attending seminars, reading books, and following industry experts can provide valuable insights.

Create a detailed plan outlining your approach. Decide which passive income ideas align with your skills and interests. Establish a timeline and budget for each step towards building your income streams.

Invest wisely by diversifying your investments. Spread your investments across different income streams to reduce risk. Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket, and always consider the potential returns and risks involved.

Monitor and manage your passive income streams regularly. Even though passive income requires less direct involvement, keeping an eye on your investments ensures they perform as expected. Adjust your strategy based on performance and market conditions to keep everything on track.

Navigating the Challenges of Passive Income Streams

Understand that creating a passive income stream takes time and effort upfront. There’s no such thing as easy money, so be prepared to put in the necessary work at the beginning.

Risk management is vital. Every investment carries a degree of risk. Research thoroughly and invest only what you can afford to lose. Diversifying your investments helps to mitigate the risks involved.

Overcoming obstacles and setbacks is part of the journey. You might encounter unexpected challenges, but staying resilient and adaptable is key. Learn from any mistakes and use those lessons to improve your strategies.

Consider legal and tax implications before diving into any passive income streams. Understanding the legalities and tax responsibilities in your region can save you significant trouble down the line. It’s often a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or tax professional.

Stay updated with market trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. The market is constantly evolving, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Keep learning and be ready to tweak your approach to ensure your passive income streams remain profitable.


12 Reasons Why People Will Buy Your Stuff

The more you discover about why people buy your products, the easier it is to influence them to buy more – or to persuade prospects to become new customers.

12 Reasons Why People Will Buy Your Stuff

Plus, the more of these reasons you can fulfill with your copy (without going overboard) the better your odds of making the sale.

Here then are a dozen of the most powerful reasons why someone might buy your information product.

To make money. This one is easy; sometimes you’ve got to spend money to make money, like buying a course on how to invest in the stock market, or how to start a business. In fact one of the easiest ways to make a sale is to show that your prospect’s small investment can be turned into a much bigger return.

To save money. Buying a water filtration system can save a person hundreds of dollars over buying bottled water. If your solution saves money, show them how much. If you teach how to make money, show them not only that they can make money with your product – they can also save money by not making stupid mistakes. If you sell dating products, show them how finding the right person quickly will save a fortune in dinners, movies and bad dates.

To save time. Instant coffee, fast food and done for you solutions all fall into this category. So does anything that shortens the learning curve. If you sell courses, this one can be big. Do they want to build a business in six years? Or buy your course and build it in 6 months?

To feel important. No one needs a Rolex or a Ferrari, but they feel better about themselves when they own one. Status is hugely important to some people – why else would they spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on a purse or a pair of shoes when something from the discount store would work just as well?

To make it easier. Let’s say you sell a big course on how to get a certain result through a series of steps. Yes, they could do everything you teach in the course – or you could offer to do the work for them for a price. They won’t have the hassle of doing it themselves, and they can be certain it will be done right.

To feel good. This one is broad and encompasses a lot of things. We feel good when we pamper ourselves. We feel good when we do something for someone else. We feel good when we’re furthering our education or providing for our future. Really, no one buys something to feel bad. The question to ask yourself is how does your product make your customer feel good?

To move us closer to our goals. Whether those goals are basic like food and shelter, or more grand like taking over the world, we will buy almost anything that will help us get whatever it is that we want most.

To move us away from pain. Whatever that pain might be – physical, mental, emotional – people will buy if they think it will help to ease or erase the pain.

To be superior. Granted, few people openly admit they want to feel superior, yet almost everyone does. This is why people buy products they think are ‘cool’ or will make them look good, like tattoos or fast cars. They’ll buy things simply because they’re new or upgraded, or because they’re better versions than what their friends have.

To keep up. People will buy something because everyone else has it and they don’t want to be left behind. Look at smartphones. The more people had smartphones, the more pressure there was on everyone else to get one, too. If your product can reach a tipping point of popularity, people will buy it simply because others have bought it.

To be a good fan. Football fans buy giant foam fingers to show they’re fans. Collectors of Coke products will buy anything that has a Coke name on it. People who love Apple will stand in line to buy the latest gadget. Followers of a particular blogger will buy that blogger’s new book without hesitating. If you can build trust with your community, you can get them to buy products simply because you recommend those products, whether they’re your products or someone else’s.

It’s on sale. Or scarce. Or both. Customers will sometimes buy things simply because they’re a good deal. If you don’t believe it, check out any black Friday sale – people line up to buy stuff they didn’t even know they wanted until they saw it was going to sell at a cheap price. People are also much more likely to buy if they think they’re going to lose the chance to buy because of scarcity, or the chance to buy at this low price because the price is about to go back up.

Bonus Reason: Because you orchestrated a marketing campaign that took away all of the risk and provided so many benefits, they couldn’t help but buy your product. And when they bought it, they did a little jig in front of their computer or holding their phone, because they were so happy they got it!



LiveGood is a health and wellness company that offers affordable, high-quality supplements through a membership-based model. The company’s unique selling point lies in its promise to provide products at significantly lower prices than traditional retail outlets, coupled with an opportunity to earn income through affiliate marketing. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of joining LiveGood, along with an unbiased review based on real member feedback.

Overview of LiveGood

LiveGood operates through a membership system where customers pay a monthly fee of $9.95 for discounted access to a range of health products such as vitamins, supplements, and powders. The company also allows members to become affiliates for a one-time fee of $40, giving them the ability to earn income through its multi-level marketing (MLM) structure. Affiliates can earn commissions by selling products or recruiting others to join.

Pros of Becoming a Member

  1. Affordable Prices on Health Products: One of LiveGood’s standout features is the cost-saving aspect for members. Several users have expressed satisfaction with the savings they’ve enjoyed by buying health products at significantly reduced prices compared to retail stores like Amazon or CVS. One member shared, “I started saving over $80 per month by simply buying supplements through LiveGood instead of other outlets.”
  2. Income Potential through Affiliate Marketing: LiveGood offers a diverse compensation structure that allows affiliates to earn in six different ways. These include commissions on new sign-ups, matching bonuses, and influencer bonuses for those with a strong social media following. Many members have shared success stories about earning commissions through recruitment and product sales. However, it’s important to note that success in MLMs typically requires significant effort and an established network​.
  3. High-Quality Products: Several LiveGood members have praised the quality of the products, noting their effectiveness and competitive pricing. Popular products like the Super Reds and Super Greens supplements have been particularly well-reviewed, with members highlighting improvements in their overall health and wellness​.
  4. Supportive Community: Many members also appreciate the sense of community within LiveGood’s affiliate network. There are frequent training sessions, and seasoned members often provide guidance to newcomers. As one member put it, “The support system is fantastic; the mentorship and leadership helped me grow my team much faster than I expected.”

Potential Drawbacks

While LiveGood has many positive reviews, there are a few challenges and areas of concern highlighted by some members:

  1. Customer Service Issues: A number of users have reported problems with LiveGood’s customer service, citing slow response times and difficulty resolving issues such as refunds or product delivery problems. One member shared, “I had a frustrating experience trying to contact customer support about a shipping issue, and I never received the product I ordered.” This has been a recurring theme for some members, particularly those based in international locations​.
  2. MLM Challenges: Like many MLM programs, success in LiveGood often depends on the ability to recruit others into the system. Several members have expressed frustration with the recruiting process, noting that it can be difficult to make money without aggressive recruitment strategies. One member remarked, “Most people don’t realize how much work it takes to build a downline, and if you don’t recruit, it’s hard to see any significant earnings”​.
  3. Mixed Product Reviews: While many members rave about the quality of LiveGood’s products, there are some negative reviews as well. Complaints include issues like the taste or texture of certain supplements, or even adverse reactions. A few users reported that the products didn’t meet their expectations for effectiveness​.

Key Points to Consider

  • Cost-Effective Products: If you’re looking for affordable health supplements and want to save on monthly purchases, becoming a member could be worthwhile.
  • Effort-Driven Income Opportunity: While there is potential to earn money, the MLM model requires effort, marketing skills, and persistence. It may not be suited for everyone, especially if you are not comfortable with recruiting others.
  • Customer Support Issues: Before joining, it’s worth considering the reported challenges with customer service and whether you are prepared to handle any potential problems with orders or membership fees.

Final Thoughts

LiveGood offers a compelling opportunity for those interested in affordable health products and those willing to invest time and effort into its MLM affiliate structure. While there are some areas for improvement, particularly in customer support, many members have found both the products and the business model beneficial. As one satisfied member summed it up, “LiveGood has changed the way I think about wellness products—affordable, accessible, and effective.”

If you are considering joining, it’s important to weigh both the pros and cons, and ensure that the business model aligns with your personal goals. LiveGood



LiveGood is a health and wellness company that offers affordable, high-quality supplements through a membership-based model. The company’s unique selling point lies in its promise to provide products at significantly lower prices than traditional retail outlets, coupled with an opportunity to earn income through affiliate marketing. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of joining LiveGood, along with an unbiased review based on real member feedback.

Overview of LiveGood

LiveGood operates through a membership system where customers pay a monthly fee of $9.95 for discounted access to a range of health products such as vitamins, supplements, and powders. The company also allows members to become affiliates for a one-time fee of $40, giving them the ability to earn income through its multi-level marketing (MLM) structure. Affiliates can earn commissions by selling products or recruiting others to join.

Pros of Becoming a Member

  1. Affordable Prices on Health Products: One of LiveGood’s standout features is the cost-saving aspect for members. Several users have expressed satisfaction with the savings they’ve enjoyed by buying health products at significantly reduced prices compared to retail stores like Amazon or CVS. One member shared, “I started saving over $80 per month by simply buying supplements through LiveGood instead of other outlets.”
  2. Income Potential through Affiliate Marketing: LiveGood offers a diverse compensation structure that allows affiliates to earn in six different ways. These include commissions on new sign-ups, matching bonuses, and influencer bonuses for those with a strong social media following. Many members have shared success stories about earning commissions through recruitment and product sales. However, it’s important to note that success in MLMs typically requires significant effort and an established network​.
  3. High-Quality Products: Several LiveGood members have praised the quality of the products, noting their effectiveness and competitive pricing. Popular products like the Super Reds and Super Greens supplements have been particularly well-reviewed, with members highlighting improvements in their overall health and wellness​.
  4. Supportive Community: Many members also appreciate the sense of community within LiveGood’s affiliate network. There are frequent training sessions, and seasoned members often provide guidance to newcomers. As one member put it, “The support system is fantastic; the mentorship and leadership helped me grow my team much faster than I expected.”(Sficarol)

Key Points to Consider

  • Cost-Effective Products: If you’re looking for affordable health supplements and want to save on monthly purchases, becoming a member could be worthwhile.
  • Effort-Driven Income Opportunity: While there is potential to earn money, the MLM model requires effort, marketing skills, and persistence. It may not be suited for everyone, especially if you are not comfortable with recruiting others.
  • Customer Support Issues: Before joining, it’s worth considering the reported challenges with customer service and whether you are prepared to handle any potential problems with orders or membership fees.

Final Thoughts

LiveGood offers a compelling opportunity for those interested in affordable health products and those willing to invest time and effort into its MLM affiliate structure. While there are some areas for improvement, particularly in customer support, many members have found both the products and the business model beneficial. As one satisfied member summed it up, “LiveGood has changed the way I think about wellness products—affordable, accessible, and effective.”(Sficarol)

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