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How to Use Coupons to Grow Your Brand

Coupons have been around since the beginning of man’s shopping experience. People love coupons because it gives them an extra discount on something that is much needed and wanted. They are an incentive to buy, and leave you with a pleasant feeling that you saved money. In fact, coupons are a very powerful tool to grow your business and brand.

How to Use Coupons to Grow Your Brand

You aren’t just giving the customer a reason to buy, but allowing them to save their hard earned money and not spend it all in one place. This will always get you on their good side and also gain trust that you really want them to save money.

How creative can you be with coupons? There are many different types of coupons to give. One type of coupon is an amount that is discounted from the total price. Simply put $5, $10, $15 dollars off a product for example.

Another type of coupon is “BOGO” or “Buy One Get One” free or half off. It is for you to determine which products and services go together to give someone half off or even a free product with their purchase.

A different variation of the “BOGO” coupon or discount is to buy multiple products to get one free or half off. You can have them buy as many as you like, but the price needs to be reasonable. It can be any price you set, but it has to be something that a customer would feel is worth buying and useful to them.

You can also be creative and give people a discount for referring your business to others. You can give a money amount or a percentage off their next order. Again people are saving money and also it is a way of inexpensive advertising. When people learn they will save money with you, the potential to gain more customers is stronger.

If you sell physical goods you can offer free shipping. As you know amazon.com offers free shipping to Prime members on many products. You can do the same if you have your own private store online. You may want to be a little more competitive and offer free shipping on items of lower prices. Make sure it is cost effective though.

You can also take a percentage off the total price if someone spends a certain amount with you. For instance, say you will give 10% off if they spend $50, or $100, but only if it meets or exceeds the amount. This will help you out in making money, but also encourage customers to buy more from you.

Rebate coupons are also great. Do you remember the last time you bought something and got a rebate? You have to send a slip in the mail and wait for the money to come back, but on the Internet you can make it more instantaneous. You know in today’s day and age, instant gratification is in high demand.

What you can do with coupons is really up to you. You can combine them, or give them out weekly or monthly. You can be as creative with this as you can imagine. Sometimes people like to combine coupons with offers, or use multiple coupons at one time. Whatever you think will make the customer the happiest, and still work to grow your business and brand.

With a number of different coupon options available for your use, now it’s to put some of these ideas into practice. Don’t just throw them in front of the customer and try to persuade them to buy just because they are getting a discount. That’s not actually good business practice, but throughout many years, people believed it worked.

Buyers will come to you because they like your products, they like your brand, or they like your attitude. Just reach out to those who are interested, and treat them nicely by offering coupons and discounts to build customer loyalty, and gain more referrals. This is a sure-fired way to grow your business over time.


FEAR Is The Main Ingredient Of All Failure

There is an interesting analogy of fear that I like and that is:

F – False
E – Evidence
A – Appearing
R – Real

FEAR Is The Main Ingredient Of All Failure

You see, most Internet Marketers imagine that they’re doing everything they can to succeed and yet often ask – “Why then am I not further along?”

“Where are my millions?”

If you feel this way too, then you’re probably a victim of ‘fear’ – of false evidence appearing real.

Fear stops you from doing many things:

– Taking risks
– Going for it NOW (not tomorrow)
– Worrying about investments/spending money
– Overriding your natural abilities
– Fear of not making enough money
– Fear of what people will think of you and your ‘virtual’ job
– Thinking it’s all a scam
– Worrying you are doing it ‘wrong’
– Having too many ideas as a back-up and, therefore, diluting your power in too many ventures
– Starting and not finishing

The list is endless. But it’s not real. It may feel real, but it isn’t. It is a future-based thought projection, and it is causing you to suffer and to, ultimately, hold you back.

You see, if you constantly picture it going wrong, worry about the future, keep changing your mind or venture and procrastinating – it’s all self-protection so that if it goes bottom up – you think you won’t feel so bad.

I am here to tell you if you want to get over this for good, you must pick an adventure online – hyper-focus on seeing it through to the end, forget about the ‘how,’ remember why you started, and disregard any thoughts of pain or failure that ‘might’ occur.

Why? Well, the difference between you and someone really successful in your field isn’t the system they are using. It is the mindset.

I guarantee you if it was the system, then everyone who bought the system thereafter would be rich. No, it is how you feel about it and what you are willing to do with it. Most of that process of success is inside of your head.

How can you make any system or process work for you? Don’t keep changing the idea – change you.

Simply put – stop being afraid of things that haven’t happened or that may happen or that have happened. Focus now on one or two good projects and STICK with it/them. See it/them through. Face the obstacles and tell your fear that you can do it and will do it no matter what. That is the only secret.

Why do we not like this word ‘failure’? Because the possibility of it (of letting ourselves down or others) causes us PAIN.

We are all afraid of pain and want to move away from it. That is how procrastination happens – you want to put the pain off for another time. It could be the pain of hard work, of talking to people if you are shy, of seeing yourself or of failing in your goals. But it is all nonsense caused by thought.

Pain is overrated. Why? Because again, FEAR is the main ingredient of all pain.

After that, it’s just the physical feeling, which can be managed.

That’s right. You can liken it to pulling out a loose tooth with a pair of pliers. Sounds barbaric, scary… however, how much do we dramatize the potential of pain in that scenario?

This is the same as fearing the future of your finances or overall success online.

But remember this…

Walking to get the pliers isn’t painful, lifting them isn’t painful, holding the tooth isn’t painful; wiggling the pliers and pulling – now that’s painful (the actual discomfort of doing it) – but for what, five seconds? Five seconds of pain.

And it’s over. Sure beats a week of panicking about the dentist.

It’s a strange analogy, but most of us live our whole lives making a whole day, week, or month out of pain when if we just lived in the moment without fear, it’s often just a five-second event.

If we just pick an idea, go for it and face fear – and just see it through!

Fear of failure is the element that keeps you down, with no hope of success on a massive scale. But there is no such thing as failure! Some of the greatest ‘failures,’ or lessons, as I call them, developed some of the most incredible inventions to date.

Failure is an exposure to what works and what doesn’t, and one can only reach success or failure when getting out of his/her safe or comfort zone. So if you are failing, you’re doing better than most… because while they’re sitting around, you have already gotten up and started making it happen!

Benjamin Franklin said:

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

And Thomas Edison said the following:

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

He added – “Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.”

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

And my favorite – “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Like Edison and like any great out there now… there is only one key difference in their approach – they are not afraid to see their work to the end.

See it to the end, and you too will have success.

Do not be afraid anymore. Get to work, take massive and consistent action toward your dreams, and build your dream life NOW.


How 2 Minutes a Day Can Produce Riches

This is so basic, a lot of people might dismiss this without another thought. However if they do, they’ll be missing out on one of the single greatest secrets to continuously increase their income month in and month out, for the rest of their lives…

How 2 Minutes a Day Can Produce Riches

Here’s how it works: Look at what you earned last month. Whatever it is, write it down.

Now set a goal to earn a certain percentage more this month. 5% works well. For example, if last month you earned $500, this month your goal is $525.

Now track what you earn every day. That’s right – every DAY. If you’re not on target to beat last month’s total, then do something. Send out another promotion. Create a viral report. Do another guest post. Whatever it takes, make sure you reach your new goal. Odds are you will not only reach it, you will exceed it.

Now rinse and repeat month in and month out.

“But this is too hard!” You might be thinking. Nope. It’s not. You’re taking 2 minutes a day to record how much you earned the day before. You’re keeping track of whether or not you’re on target. And you’re pushing yourself to do a little bit better each month.

The alternative is to flounder around like a dying fish, hoping you somehow land back in the water. Odds are most months you’re not going to. A year passes, and you’re making the same amount of money each month as you are now – or maybe you’re making less. Not pretty.

But increase your income just 5% each month, starting with just a current income of $500 a month, and it can look like this:

12 month mark $900 a month
18 month mark $1,200 a month
24 month mark $1,600 a month

What if you’re currently earning $1,000 a month, and you increase your goal by 10% each month?

12 month mark $3,100 a month
18 month mark $5,500 a month
24 month mark $9,700 a month

Now do you see the power of setting goals and continually tracking your results? Two minutes a day can produce riches. Or, you could spend those two minutes watching a cat video on YouTube. Your choice.


Does Anyone Know Who YOU Are Online?

There’s thousands of Internet Marketers out there – and you are one of them. So, here is my question for the day: Who are you?

Does Anyone Know Who YOU Are Online?

Because as you can see, when you search through products, people, and services online – mediocrity and conformity is already 99% of everyone else’s day.

Not to sound harsh, but most people just follow what is trending or what is hot, and while that is an awesome way to just make money – regarding a long-term and life purpose – it is not exactly fulfilling, is it?

It is just a means to an end if we think about it that way.

But you probably started online to make money – that is a given.

You also probably wanted to have the flexibility and freedom it brings. IM has great potential to earn a large amount of money in a short amount of time. It’s a great way to learn. Most times, it is easier than your best friend’s 9-5 job, isn’t it?

However, when we skip from one affiliate product to another or try different things aimlessly with no real long-term goal or life design, we are not really building a future for ourselves overall. And as human beings, our long-term goal always stretches beyond money.

In fact, as we get older, it is much more about –

How can I serve and add value?
How can I discover my life’s purpose?
What really makes me happy?
Who am I?

The most difficult part in life is to discover who you really are (you: not the kid of your parents, not the wife of your husband, not the student in school, not what society thinks about you or expects from you, etc.).

Once we go away and discover the answer to that – to what we really want from life, we can then apply our knowledge of who we really are to what we really enjoy doing – and in marketing terms – that can also bring money to the table. That’s where the start is. Trust me: Do what you love and what adds value in your personal opinion –and the money will follow.

Picking a job or service or product is not the first thing to do, not yet anyway.

Discovering yourself is the starting point. There is nothing before that point. The only other thing is what others are and what your position is in THEIR circles – not what is your position in YOUR life. Go away today and make a list.

List all of the things you loved as a child that you have forgotten about and like doing. Then name five strengths you have in business and by nature. Also list five weaknesses. After a while, you will start to see a pattern – things you are good at and what you can offer.

There is a reason you have the set skills you do; you are unique in these delivery skills and traits. Focus on what you LOVE to do and what you are good at and live from that end first before you decide what path to take.

You are here for a reason. Find out what that reason is.

“You did not come into this world; you came out of it. Like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.” – Alan Watts


Tips And Flexibility Of Freelancing

Freelancing is more than just a trend; it’s transforming the way we view work. Unlike the rigid traditional 9-to-5 jobs, freelancing offers unparalleled flexibility. You control when you work, where you work, and even who you work with. Whether you specialize in writing, graphic design, programming, or marketing, there’s a freelance opportunity for nearly every skill set.

The Allure of Freelancing

Imagine working from a cozy café one day and a sunny beach the next. Need a mid-afternoon break for a jog or some relaxation? No problem. Freelancing provides the autonomy to shape your work schedule around your life. Additionally, your earning potential is dynamic—great work often leads to better-paying gigs, allowing your income to grow alongside your skills.

However, freelancing isn’t without its challenges. The hunt for consistent work, managing fluctuating income, and wearing multiple hats—from marketer to accountant—can be daunting. But for those who embrace independence and creativity, freelancing can be deeply rewarding.

Aligning Freelancing with Your Goals

Freelancing is versatile, fitting seamlessly into a variety of lifestyles. Whether you’re a parent seeking more time at home, a traveler wanting to earn while exploring, or someone eager to build a multifaceted career, freelancing offers a path tailored to your needs.

Industries like tech, design, digital marketing, and video production are currently in high demand for freelancers. This growing demand presents endless opportunities to carve out a niche that suits your strengths and interests.

Building Your Freelance Brand: Standing Out in a Crowded Market

In a competitive freelance landscape, a strong personal brand is your greatest asset. Your brand should reflect your unique skills, values, and passions in a way that resonates with potential clients.

  • Craft an Engaging Portfolio
    Showcase your best work and include client testimonials to build credibility. Think of your portfolio as your storefront—make it visually appealing and easy to navigate.
  • Leverage Social Media
    Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter can amplify your reach. Share your work, engage with industry leaders, and use targeted hashtags to connect with your audience.
  • Network with Purpose
    Networking isn’t just about exchanging business cards. Build meaningful relationships by attending events, joining online communities, and collaborating with peers. These connections often lead to referrals and new opportunities.

Building your brand takes time, but the effort pays off in attracting quality clients and projects. Ensure your brand reflects professionalism and authenticity, leaving a lasting impression.

Essential Tools and Strategies for Freelancers

Freelancing can feel overwhelming at first, but the right tools and strategies can set you up for success.

  • Find the Right Platforms
    Explore sites like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer to connect with clients. Each platform caters to different industries, so choose one that aligns with your skills.
  • Set Competitive Rates
    Research industry standards, assess your skill level, and consider the complexity of tasks when setting your rates. Over time, you’ll find a balance between competitiveness and fair compensation.
  • Use Time-Saving Tools
    Equip yourself with apps like Trello or Asana for project management, QuickBooks for finances, and Slack or Zoom for communication. These tools streamline operations and improve productivity.
  • Seek Feedback and Evolve
    Client reviews are invaluable. Use feedback to refine your approach and continuously learn new skills to stay ahead of industry trends.

Balancing Work and Life as a Freelancer

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be tricky for freelancers, but it’s essential for long-term success.

  • Master Time Management
    Tools like Google Calendar or the Pomodoro Technique can help you stay organized and avoid burnout.
  • Set Boundaries
    Clearly communicate your working hours to clients and stick to them. Turning off notifications during personal time and avoiding weekend emails can help maintain balance.
  • Define Expectations Early
    Ensure clients are clear about project scopes, timelines, and updates. This avoids last-minute surprises and keeps projects on track.
  • Plan Your Finances
    Freelancing income can fluctuate, so create a savings buffer and budget wisely. Invest in tools or courses that enhance your skill set and make you more competitive.

Achieving balance is an ongoing process, but with intentional strategies, freelancers can enjoy both professional success and personal fulfillment.


The Best Marketing Advice is Very Simple: Don’t Wait. Take Action.

Someone once asked me when is the best time to launch a product, to start up that new business, to go for something a bit risky or to change strategy.

The Best Marketing Advice is Very Simple: Don’t Wait. Take Action.

Is it the market, the timing, the product itself… When, when, when should I start in order for it to be the most effective?

In reply, I always say the same thing: Now. Start now.

And you then reply with the same fear – “But I am not ready…”

I tell you this, no matter who you are, you’ll never be ready. Those who wait for the conditions online to become ideal (and indeed offline in life) tend to never be ready. The fear will hold you back, the procrastination will hold you back, the lack of ‘going for it’ will harm your confidence. It’ll never be enough, it’ll never be just right. And if you’re not sure about it, you’ll be correct because no one will believe in you.

You must strike now and that means you’re not wasting any time. Yes, there are ideal circumstances in which to be successful, of course but the girl or guy who sits back waiting and doesn’t launch or doesn’t take that step forward will be quickly overtaken by the competitor; the one with the courage who knows that they’re not fully ready but is still going ahead with it. Why will it work better than you who is getting everything just right?

Because while they’re out doing these things and failing and getting back up and tweaking, perfecting and indirectly becoming a master of their craft… you’re still waiting for the right time. Practice and determination make the master.

In life, we are always waiting. Sitting back, looking for external guidance on what to do next and exactly how to do it. While this is great, sometimes you have to just do it. Experience is the best teacher – “Will it work?” you ask – “Go and do it, try it out. Right now. Don’t wait for tomorrow because it’s a lesson less tomorrow that you could have learned and incorporated into your wisdom.”

Timing can be perfect sometimes and it can create a lot of luck but not so much as the will and drive you can begin to use now inside of yourself – throwing away that fear of acting on something new. Tell yourself you can be happy now. You can focus on the things that matter now. From this head space of confidence, MONEY FOLLOWS. Always, because in this state of mind – that we are ready to have it all, right now as we are – we become extremely resourceful naturally.

It is us that holds us back. Our fears and inadequate thinking. Our waiting…

Think about why you became an IMer – you clearly wanted freedom from the rat race. You were maybe told to do your exams, don’t party and do well at school- then you’ll be happy. Successful. But then there’s more to do, go to university, get a degree… Oh, then you’ll be happy.

And after four more years, you need a good job and lots of money and if you do, then you’ll be happy. And now you’re working all the time to pay off your house and car and get financially free…when you don’t worry… you’ll be happy.

But now they tell you you’re at that age where all this money means nothing without a partner, so settle down, have a family and then you’ll be happy.

But time to yourself may be more limited now with these new responsibilities, so don’t worry, when you retire and the kids are raised well, then you’ll be happy.

And now you’re old… you might find another theological or philosophical force and even decide that when you die and go to heaven, you’ll be happy then.

Do you realize that when you live a life of ‘If I get this, if I wait for the right time… I’ll be happy’ most of us will spend our whole lives chasing a dream in the FUTURE? Always out of reach…

Happiness is just moments like these. WE can make miracles happen today…

Don’t wait for the right time to take a risk. Ever minute is a risk regardless, (we cannot guarantee the future) and so all that exists is what step we can take right now to make our dreams come true.

Do something today – now – that is a step further than what you were yesterday. Lay a brick each day, don’t set out to build the wall… and one day you will have a wall without realizing it. All you had to do was:

Don’t wait. Take action NOW.


6 Ways to Grab Attention with Headlines

When creating article content for your blog, the headline itself can very much make or break your campaign. It has been shown that inbound traffic can be increased by as much as 500% based upon the headline alone. Let’s take a look at six sure-fire ways to attract your audience and keep them reading on.

6 Ways to Grab Attention with Headlines

Keep it Simple

Countless online “experts” claim that creativity is key in capturing an audience. However, let’s keep in mind that most readers and visitors will want to know what it is that they are reading. Cut out the fluff and bring the crux of the article to the table. Consider these two headlines:

“Leveraging the Power of Email in the 21st Century Digital World”
“How Your Email Can Generate Massive Amounts of Revenue”

Which one tells you more about the article? It is more than likely that a potential reader will be attracted to the second statement. Technical jargon generally should be supplanted with a more “down-to-earth” feel in order to entice the average reader.

Generate Curiosity

It is always good to have a headline that captures the attention of the visitor. This is particularly effective in blog posts that may revolve around a wide variety of topics. In fact, there is nothing wrong with starting off an article with a question such as:

“Do You Know the Top Ways to Drive in Online Revenue? You Might be Surprised!”

This short headline does two things. First, it causes the reader to begin thinking about the answer to the question put forth. Secondly, it entices them to continue perusing the article to find out what they may be missing. Curiosity is key to engagement and in this case, the title can be just as important as the content.

Numbered Lists

Numbered lists have been used by clickbait sites for a very long time, and for good reason. This type of introduction prepares readers for what is in store (the length of the article, for instance). In other words, you are quantifying what it is that you are offering to the reader. This is one of the reasons why sites such as BuzzFeed are so very popular (even if the information that they present is sometimes common knowledge).

One word of advice should be mentioned. Some numbers work better than others and it is always good to place them in the beginning of the text. For instance:

– 7 Reasons why Obesity Kills
– 10 Advantages of Our Product Over Our Competitor
– The Top 15 Ways to Increase Your ROI with Our Product

Numbers such as 5, 7, 10 and even 20 will work well. Many feel that this has to do with a bit of psychology and the comfort that these known quantities offer (as opposed to a random number such as 19). Finally, discrete numbers tend to signal that the article is put together well.

The Sale

Any headline should begin selling your product or service before the reader gets into the text. In some ways, you can consider this to be the “open” in an average sales pitch. As opposed to merely stating a fact about your service, it is better to tempt the reader into discovering what you are able to offer. Here are the wrong and right ways to accomplish this (assuming that you are marketing a weight loss supplement):

– How to Lose Weight
– 5 Products We (the name of the company) Provide to Help You Lose Weight

The first headline is bland and if punched into a normal search engine, thousands of results will pop up. The second headline attaches your company with an action. As the name of the firm is in the title, this is also a great way to increase SEO and exposure. Place yourself in the shoes of a potential customer and ask what their frustration is and how your company can fix the problem.

Going Viral with an Audience

Should your article go viral and be shared by a massive amount of readers, the positive effects of ROI are obvious. The best way to accomplish this is to know what your target audience needs. Many digital strategists state that this is associated with how novel the article is. While this is indeed true, novelty should never be confused with fancy prose and the use of a thesaurus. Instead, novel signifies simplicity and a clever presentation that is memorable. Although this will naturally revolve around the product that you are promoting, adding a bit of flair into a title can help the entire post or blog go viral.

A Bit of an Ultimatum

Generating interest and inbound traffic can also be caused by a title that reflects a certain amount of finality. Certain “power” words will reflect a confidence within your company and entice the reader to continue to find out what he or she may have been missing. Let us assume that you are marketing a way to make money from home. Some headlines using this approach can include:

– The Top 10 Reasons You’re Not Making Money
– The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online
– We Guarantee that Our Product Will Make You Money

The underscored words utilized in these titles all signal power, strength and confidence. The chances are high that the reader is looking to enjoy these very same traits.

These six tips should be used in conjunction whenever possible. Not only are headlines important in terms of search engine optimization, but they are just as critical (if not more so) to “hook” a reader, keep him or her interested, and transform this interest into action.


How to Make Money in the “Make Money Online” Niche Even if You’re a Total Rookie

There are two methods for making money in the “make money online” niche when you’re new, you’re broke and you’re just getting started.

How to Make Money in the Make Money Online Niche Even if You’re a Total Rookie

The first one is to fake it until you make it. Fake screenshots, fake your income, fake your expertise and hope no one notices. The problem is, someone is guaranteed to notice – you. And who wants to start a business as a faker? Hopefully not you. It doesn’t feel good, for one thing. It probably messes with your head and makes you doubt that you will ever be a REAL success.

Instead, try method #2: Be real. Instead of selling “how I made $100,000 in 30 days” type of info, sell tools. Or be an affiliate. Or start a blog and give your opinion. And let others watch as you build your business for real.

Let’s look at each of those.

First, sell tools and be an affiliate. This means offering software and info that you are either using or find to be valuable. Give your opinion and why it’s worth buying. Be sincere. Don’t offer junk. This is your good name and reputation you’re building.

Next, start a blog and give your opinion. Yes, some will say you have no right to have an opinion until you’ve made $1,000,000 in the business, or whatever. Who cares? When you’ve made a million they’ll still be saying that. And they’ll still be broke, too.

People like to read opinions. You’ll resonate with some, and those folks will become your loyal followers and customers. The rest? It doesn’t matter.

Lastly, let others watch as you build your business. People who want to start a business are fascinated to watch others do it. Those who already have like to help out those who are trying.

So by being real, by being honest, by showing what you’re doing, how you’re doing it and the results you’re getting, you’ll get even more loyal followers. And you might just get a helping hand now and then as well.


Overwhelmed? Break It Down Into Chunks

Are you stressed by online marketing? The majority of you are, even when earning what could be seen as ‘decent’ money for relatively little work by comparison. But you are still frustrated. Why is this? Why do you want more and why can’t you get it?

Overwhelmed? Break It Down Into Chunks

There are two very basic and overlooked reasons for this:

1. You are overwhelming yourself with too many tasks and not breaking it down into manageable chunks – therefore giving up altogether on the main goals.

2. You are comparing yourself to the guru ‘ideal’. That is, you are asking – “Why am I not making millions NOW? Like Frank or Bill or Super Marketing man?! They said it was easy and to just follow!’

Let me explain the traps of both these reasons.

Firstly – don’t take too much on. You’ll say to me now – ‘But then I’ll not do it fast enough’. Trust me, if you don’t take it in pieces you can manage, steps that are realistic, you’ll not do it fast enough anyway – because you’ll throw in the towel, get frustrated, say it’s all a big scam and GIVE UP before you know it. If this wasn’t true, there’d be billionaires made online all day, every day.

No one really wants to give up. It’s just they’re not chunking. Nothing can become too hard or too much to do if you just break it down.

For example:

Are you stressed by the idea of running your online business as it stands? Is it a drag? Are you afraid to scale up?

Well, the best way to deal with a stressful situation like this is to break it down into hours. Not days or weeks or your year plan.

Don’t focus on tomorrow or what happened last night, be here in this HOUR.

What do you have to do in just this next hour? Are there any problems in this moment right now?

Stay present. Don’t worry and don’t get caught up in all the things along the line you have to still do to make it work best.

Everything -once you segment- is doable. Easy. It’s the self-created mental overwhelm that harms you. And harms your potential success. Everyone has the exact same resources… You must break it down into chunks.

List the things you can do in this one day, this one evening or morning that will move you a step closer to your goals. That’s it. Even if it’s not much, it’s far more productive than a fruitless frustration that may last the week, achieving nothing.

The second reason, as suggested is – your need to compare your progress with that of the millionaire. The guru.

You must understand that you are making progress. Always. If you’re reading this now, you are making progress. But you will not notice how much you are doing and self-sabotage by accident because you’re too busy asking:

“Why am I not where he is? Why does she earn more money when I’m doing the same thing?”

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a vision to be like your guru or idol – this is helpful and gives you a future aim. But wouldn’t it be smarter to compare your progress with those around you, your peers… ones that started at the same time as you. Not guys that are full-scale experts on this bandwagon for decades or the ones who have gotten lucky in their timing, approach or product. This is not you. Stop comparing yourself with the stars. It will harm you because you will be blinded to your own progress because you will be constantly frustrated by your level of results compared to the guru’s results.

If you need some healthy competition to keep you going and keep you on target, your best bet is to compare yourself with friends and peers on YOUR LEVEL.

Yes, the guru should always be in your mind but it must be maintained as the vision, the ultimate aim – and not as the crutch that’s holding you back by frustrated comparison with your current progress. This will get you nowhere.

My advice? If you want to beat anyone at the IM game… Beat yourself from yesterday.

Be your own personal best, every day, and one day you will be the “guru” that others aspire toward.


Do. Not. Give. Up.

The only way you can fail is to give up. If you don’t give up, you can never fail, and it is only a matter of time before your perseverance pays off. Trust me, it’s true.

Do. Not. Give. Up.

For example:

Have you heard of Theodor Seuss Geisel? Or perhaps you’ve heard of Dr. Seuss?

Theodor studied at Dartmouth College and Oxford University because he planned to become a series writer. But the Great Depression saw him working as a cartoonist and advertising illustrator just to get by.

Deciding to launch his writing career with a children’s book, Theodor wrote, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.

Unfortunately the manuscript was rejected 27 times. 27! Imagine going to 27 different publishers and having every single one of them say, “NO!” No doubt you’d want to throw the manuscript out, which is exactly what Theodore planned to do.

As chance would have it, he ran into an old college friend who happened to be working for a children’s publisher. Yes, the book was published, and Dr. Seuss went on to write over 40 books that have sold over 200 million copies. He won Emmy and Peabody Awards and even a Pulitzer Prize.

So what would have happened if Theodore had thrown out his manuscript after his 27th rejection? He wouldn’t have had it to give to his friend. And likely he would have given up and stayed in cartooning and advertising.

Never give up.

One more story…

You’ve probably never heard of Paul Rokich. He was born in Utah, near a sulfur dioxide belching refinery that destroyed everything around it. The place looked awful, so Paul vowed he would bring back the trees that had been destroyed by the sulfur.

But the refinery refused to give him permission to replant the trees. So Paul went off to college to study Botany, where his professor told him nothing would ever grow in such a wasteland.

But Paul didn’t give up. Years later he began sneaking back onto the refinery grounds and planting seedlings week after week. Most of his seedlings died, but he kept planting. Drought killed many, some were destroyed by fire, others were dug up by workers, and most just wouldn’t grow in the poor soil. But then, some of them started to grow. And animals began returning to the area.

Eventually Paul got permission to be on the land. He got machines and a crew to help him, and today the area is 14,000 acres of trees, bushes, plants and wildlife.

Even when things seem impossible and beyond your control, and even when your efforts prove futile time and time again, just keep planting.

Because sooner or later, persistence always pays off.

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